Study app: A free aid from The Sound Agency

Study app updated for new iOS

Do you struggle to concentrate in noisy environments?

The Sound Agency is delighted to announce the iOS upgrade for its Study App, which is available from the App Store and Google Play.

The Study App features an hour-long soundscape created with our generative technology in order to help you focus. Listen through good quality headphones, set the volume at a moderate, ambient level, and let the sound help you. Your cognition will be gently stimulated by sound that refreshes and facilitates mental processes whilst not distracting your thoughts from where they need to be. You’ll be able to think and work better, for longer.

“Procrastination destroyer! It’s amazing how some background sound can make such a difference. It goes on for 45 minutes (perfect amount of time) and just drags you into the zone. Really good if you have a song stuck in your head as well.”

Loved it! At first I thought I’d be distracted by the music so I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it. After a few minutes I adjusted to it and it definitely helped me to block out distracting sounds and enabled me to focus better on my study material.”



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